Well, another year is ending and with it another year of life goes by. Today I am 27, so as of 3am this morning I am officially in my late twenties (as opposed to mid-twenties), which is a little scary and makes me feel like I should probably be grown up... or something.
This time of year makes everyone a bit philosophical, and I for one have certainly been pondering life, the universe and everything a lot lately. I posted recently about job security vs. job satisfaction, and wondered what I should do next in my working life. Well, it seems that fate stepped in and not-so-subtley guided me towards the job satisfaction option. So as of January 5th 2009, I am not on christmas holidays, and I am a self-employed freelance designer.
I'm apprehensive and I feel a little nervous if I can actually carry this off successfully. But I am ready to give this a go and find out what it really is like to work for myself rather than "The Man" (or in my case, it was more the Devil wears Prada).
So in honour of new beginnings and big challenges (with big potential rewards), my motto for 2009 is:
Not be lazy, but learn to breathe, take it in, and not stress so much. Work hard to enjoy the rewards it brings at the end. Do what you love, and love what you do.
That, and actually follow through on things (my late resolutions for 2008 are still outstanding, so I'm rolling them over to 2009).
Happy New Years everyone, I hope that all your 2009 dreams come true!